Parent Workshops

The Literacy Leadership team (including one Junior Primary teacher) held two parent sessions in Terms 3 and 4. The first was an information session on how Class Libraries were operating across the school. We also talked about some simple strategies to help parents at home when reading with their child. This was summarized in a bookmark that parents took home.Screen Shot 2014-02-02 at 9.24.41 pm

The second session focused on the reading comprehension strategy of “Text Connections” as this was a question that arose from the first session. We filmed footage of students across a range of year levels explaining what “text to self”, “text to text” and “text to world” connections were and how these connections helped them with understanding what they read. A summary chart was given out for parents to take home.

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We had “better than expected” turnouts to both sessions. This was due to the fact that students wrote a personal invitation home to parents about the sessions, we held them at 9:00am so parents could stay after dropping their children off, we made the sessions short – only 20-25 minutes duration and Governing Council members “lured” parents in classes first thing in the morning by offering cupcakes!!

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