Involving Students in the design and organization of the Class library

“When students help create the library, they use it more” (Routman, 2003)


Shelving was ordered from IKEA as well as tubs from Cheap as Chips after teacher discussions in staff meeting on what would be the best options for storing books in libraries. Older students were involved in the building of these units with a Temporary Relieving Teacher.

Broadbanded boxes containing levelled texts were borrowed by the class teacher. IMG_0102

In addition to the broadbanded coloured boxes, classes did a “bulk borrow” from the school library for their class library with the support of Jonathon, our librarian. To help students select a wide range of reading material that was of high interest, popular, age appropriate, related to topics being covered in class, etc., they:

  • Completed reading inventories
  • Brainstormed what sorts of books they wanted in their Class Library
  • Discussed and clarified choices with peers, teachers and Jonathon

Students were involved in the sorting, labelling and shelving of books according to genre, interest, series, authors, etc. Obviously, this looked different according to the year levels of the classes. Class teachers did explicit teaching on text genres and anchor charts were developed and used.

Classes also discussed and suggested ways they could make their Class Library a pleasant and inviting place to be. Some Junior Primary classes purchased Pillow Pets and cushions out of their class budgets. Old lounges, armchairs, round tables, beanbags, etc started to appear in libraries.


Each class worked out a manageable borrowing system that could be monitored by students with minimal assistance from the teacher. Some examples included borrowing cards/bookmarks, check in/out system on computers/iPads and exploring QR codes in Primary grades. Junior Primary classes generally swapped their 5-6 books on a given day, for example, the day they did their show and tell or the day they had their Guided Reading session.

Every teacher organised for each student in their class to have a box, basket or container to put their book selections in. This also varied according to the ages and needs of the students. IMG_0263

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